Pastor Rich started The Main Place through humble beginnings, but because of his faithfulness to the ministry and God’s call on his life, God has blessed our church. Pastor Rich believes firmly that God loves variety, but hates disunity so he has strove to reach people for Jesus in many ways while always encouraging fellow believers to work together to grow the body of Christ.

While Pastor Rich has been the head Pastor for the entirety of Main Place’s history, he has recently promoted Pastor Drew Lockerbie to the title of “Campus Pastor” making Pastor Drew responsible for oversight of day to day operations at the Main Place as well as being the main Sunday morning teaching Pastor.  Pastor Rich has since “retired” from the Pulpit.  He still preaches and oversees the day to day operations of MPCF’s Ministries

Pastor Rich still operates Ministry Incorporated which includes The Everyday Church, 2nd Time Store, Highland Learning Center,  Encourager Farms, and the Encouragers Men’s Ministry.

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